
(Gretta Harley and Sarah Rudinoff)

Mitch Ebert, Drums
Mary Genova, Bass
Gretta Harley, Acoustic Guitar & Vocals
Ron Nine, Electric Guitars

This was the last song that Gretta Harley and I wrote for our show These Streets. We were looking for a song that expressed the grief that so many in the music community felt. Grief not just about corporate powers coming into Seattle and changing their homegrown scene forever, but the real loss of friends who had succumbed to addiction and despair.

We wrote the lyrics one morning and Gretta and I shared voice memos of melodies, writing it up until opening night. It was the catharsis right before the end of the play and I could feel the audience join us in this release.

Gretta Harley and Sarah had a band, We Are Golden. They wrote original music, played in Seattle, did a tour to L.A. and N.Y.C and recorded an E.P. Their play These Streets grew out of wanting to create more narrative work with their music.


These Streets was a play inspired by women rock musicians in Seattle during the famed grunge years. It was spearheaded by musician Gretta Harley, performer Sarah Rudinoff, and playwright Elizabeth Kenny. The show played to sold-out crowds at ACT Theatre in 2013. In addition to the theater piece, the project also included a history component that archived the work of bands led by women in Seattle in the 1990s. This archive can be found at thesestreets.org

Check out These Streets Cover Story for City Arts Magazine.

Production Photos by Stacey Westcott

The trailer for These Streets, and you can listen to an interview with All Things Considered on NPR.